Angioplasty: What are the main factors of a successful angioplasty procedure?

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Independent Component 2

a: I, Angel Arredondo, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
b: Schmilowski, E. Von, and Howard Swanton. Essential Angioplasty. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. Print.
d: I followed my mentor around the entire hospital and evaluated patients and their illnesses regarding their hearts. In certain situations, she got me a "front row" view of a few procedures and they were actually very helpful in writing my Isearch paper. She also taught me about different types of medications we give our patients and how to manage their weight with exercise.
My component is significant to the integrity of my project because it taught me serious subjects pertaining to my answers. My mentor focused on my answers specifically and created a sort of curriculum. For medications, she taught me about the reactions and dosages and all these cool facts. Technique, obviously, was demonstrated in my sitting in's on the various angioplasty procedures. As for lifestyle, the consultations that we gave focused on how the patient should take care of themselves. Regarding the proof, I've turned a type letter to my house teacher with all my mentor's information. I'm not really allowed to take photographs.
Like I said before, my mentor created a curriculum surrounding me in topics related to my EQ. My answers are actually from her with some minor modifications. This component let me get a closer look into the aspects of a successful angioplasty down to the medication dosage. All in all, the component was a great experience and I look forward to continuing volunteering at the hospital.

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